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Cat Repellents

fabric cat c-ecollars
The newest innovation in post-surgical recovery collars. You've never seen any other fabric-based collar work like this.
EZ Soft Elizabethan Collars for Cats
Learn more about fabric cat c-ecollars
End urine marking and scratching!
Feliway Spray
Learn more about Feilway
Sticky Paws Keep Cats off Furniture
Cats hate 'em! People love 'em! Helps stop your cat from scratching furniture.
Sticky Paws
Learn more about Sticky Paws
Scat Mats
Designed to assist in the home training of both dogs and cats, scat mats discourage unwanted contact with furniture, counter tops, window sills, areas around plants, garbage cans, and Christmas trees etc.
Scat Mats & Scat Mat Accessories
Learn more about Scat Mats